eugenia bleach (detail)
SLS free soap, brackets, screws, paint, wire
50 cm x 69 cm x 0.8 cm
text in the soap - excerpts from a poem in The Aosawa Murders by Riku Onda:
“Eugenia, my Eugenia. I journeyed alone all this time
That I might meet you again.
And I tell you this:
That days of shivering in a long-ago dawn
Also end today.
From here on we will be together, forever.
The song that rises to my lips,
The insects of the woods crushed beneath my shoes in the morning,
And this tiny heart of mine ceaselessly pumping blood,
All this, I offer to you.”
our lot, exhibition with Laura Ní Fhlaibhín and Hannah Walton, South Bermondsey site, London, 2022
photo by Ksenia Burnasheva